Tuesday 12 February 2008


It strikes me as weird the fact that I seem to go through cycles, I mean I spent days the other week just writing down how I felt and what was going on in my mind, I must have written over 10, 000 words, and yet as quickly as that phase had begun it stopped. Then I spent ages playing games which got replaced by reading, which in turn has been replaced with cross-stitch. But I have always been like that, I spend ages focused on one thing and ignoring everything else but then suddenly get bored or distracted and I move on to something new.
But in a positive move I went for a walk today ( the third one in six days!) and I went further today than I have in months, but I do wonder if that has something to do with the fact that the sun was shining today and it was quite mild outside. Even so it was/is something positive for me to focus on and even if I can keep on walking every other day then I may just begin to make some progress within my life, all I have to do now is get up early enough for me to phone and see about speaking to a doctor if only because my weight has now fallen to a level that freaks me out. Actually it was the realisation that you can easily feel all my vertebrae that actually made me realise I have to do something about this and maybe the doctor will be able to give me some advice but it would mean me being honest about my eating habits etc, which is a little difficult for me to do, but it needs done.

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