Friday 30 November 2007


Today was one of those weird days, where I spent most of the daylight hours asleep. But it was made up by the fact that when I woke not only did I get a game for my DS but my teddies arrived! And I adore them both, but one has really caught me and so that is the one that I will be receiving in 10 days or 11 I can't work it out right now. And added to that my mum came home from Edinburgh with two new pillows for me, which were definitely needed and ... a black and white elephant plate! So now I have my own dinner plate which includes two of my favourite things, elephants and black and white things. So I'm really happy about that.
And on the whole present thing I now only need to buy something for my Gran and that seems to be sorted as I am going to make her up a hamper of nice food-stuffs and that can only happen once my parents go shopping and buy the stuff for me. The only problem is that now I have all the presents I just want to give them to people now, rather than have to wait until Christmas. But that's me impatient as always, although I am trying to be good about my birthday bear and not get it until my birthday, although knowing me it'll be in my room by the end of next week!

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Trundling along

Things with me are trundling along as normal and I have now entered into Christmas mode. I have actually bought half my presents and the others are chosen and just need to be ordered, so once again I am organised for that aspect of Christmas.
I have even managed to come up with ideas as to what I want this year, nothing exciting but at one point I really couldn't think of anything. So now it's just a matter if annoying my parents until they get the things for me.
It's weird, even though I have bought Christmas presents it won't actually feel like Christmas until after my birthday, which less than a fortnight away. Wow and I will reach 25 years seems strange thinking about it, and I have even thought of what presents I want and one of them is going to turn up anytime this week. Well it kinda has to as I wanted a teddy bear, sad and childish I know but I really wanted one, and there was two that I liked online and so we ordered both of them and when they arrive I will choose between them and then the one that I don't like as much will either be returned or given to my cousins daughter as a Christmas present.
Apart from sorting out my birthday and Christmas presents nothing exciting has been happening in my life, although it is official and I have dropped out of the OU course which is a weight off my mind.
But that's enough nonsense from me at the moment and maybe I'll post again soon, probably when I get annoyed at all the Christmas adverts on TV!
Oh and I saw another stripy jumper that I like, although it was being worn by someone on TV so I don't think that I can get it and add it to my ever growing collection of stripy clothing! (and it was black and white which is my fav!)

Tuesday 20 November 2007


I am sitting here wondering if I will ever return to anything approximating the person I once was. I am spending most of my time at the moment feeling not great and I have just dropped out of my OU course as I was getting far to stressed about the whole thing.
I have also realised that I am just rambling here and I seem to be unable to create anything coherent, so I will just give up now and sit in the vain hope that things will get better soon.

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Quick post

Just a quick post while I'm still feeling OK. The last week has not been good, I have spent most of the time feeling slightly rotten and the conclusion is that I am suffering from a mixture of stress, chronic fatigue and hormonal imbalance.
I just hope that I get back to my own normality soon, but I do think that I will withdraw from my current OU course, just so I can get some time to just relax and de-stress.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Last few days

Well the last couple of days have not been good for me. Last night I ended up feeling really rotten for the entire night and it carried on throughout today, and now I'm just sitting here feeling feeble and pathetic for getting so worked up about the whole thing. The saddest thing about it is the fact that I haven't felt this bad for more than one day since I was at Stirling Uni and that was down to stress as much as anything, so does it mean that I am returning to that level of stress again or is it just a blip and I will be OK in the morning?
The truth is that I just cannot be bothered with anything, writing here, doing my course-work, reading books, doing anything. I just want to curl up in a quiet corner and hide from the world, and do you know what... I think I will.

Saturday 3 November 2007


I can quite safely say that I am still not a happy bunny for the most part, but I did just buy a new cross-stitch to do so that has cheered me up slightly.
But the thing is at the moment I just don't have any enthusiasm about anything. And I don't know what to do about it. It has been so long since I have felt this way but I do know that I will get over it at some point, the problem is that I kinda need to have some enthusiasm with a TMA due soon. It really doesn't help if you can't concentrate on anything when you are trying to analyse a piece of fiction!
I really can't even be bothered to write anything else here, so I think that I will just end here for now and maybe in a couple of days I will find something a bit more exciting and positive to write about.

Thursday 1 November 2007

How am I?

The only thing to say today, that covers yesterday and tomorrow is :
I ain't a happy bunny.