Tuesday 27 November 2007

Trundling along

Things with me are trundling along as normal and I have now entered into Christmas mode. I have actually bought half my presents and the others are chosen and just need to be ordered, so once again I am organised for that aspect of Christmas.
I have even managed to come up with ideas as to what I want this year, nothing exciting but at one point I really couldn't think of anything. So now it's just a matter if annoying my parents until they get the things for me.
It's weird, even though I have bought Christmas presents it won't actually feel like Christmas until after my birthday, which less than a fortnight away. Wow and I will reach 25 years seems strange thinking about it, and I have even thought of what presents I want and one of them is going to turn up anytime this week. Well it kinda has to as I wanted a teddy bear, sad and childish I know but I really wanted one, and there was two that I liked online and so we ordered both of them and when they arrive I will choose between them and then the one that I don't like as much will either be returned or given to my cousins daughter as a Christmas present.
Apart from sorting out my birthday and Christmas presents nothing exciting has been happening in my life, although it is official and I have dropped out of the OU course which is a weight off my mind.
But that's enough nonsense from me at the moment and maybe I'll post again soon, probably when I get annoyed at all the Christmas adverts on TV!
Oh and I saw another stripy jumper that I like, although it was being worn by someone on TV so I don't think that I can get it and add it to my ever growing collection of stripy clothing! (and it was black and white which is my fav!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Fizz, haven't seen you for a while, just wanted to give you a hug {{{{{{{{{{{{Fizz}}}}}}}}}}}} and say well done for dropping out of the course, it sounds to me like you made the right choice for you :)

Hope you manage to find that stripy jumper, I'll have to find you some more virtual stripy socks to go with it when you do ;)

ps. how did you manage to get your xmas shopping half done so quick?? (I haven't even started yet! ;DDD)