Saturday 25 August 2007


Yet again I didn't go out for a walk and the photos are of what I did instead. But I am quite proud of them as they are quite complicated in design and each of them took me three hours to complete. (sorry about the quality of the picture, they were taken on my phone.)
But I do seem to just keep putting things off at the moment, going for a walk, contacting a counsellor, I'm getting really good at the procrastination thing! Although it hasn't yet included the pile of dishes that are sitting in the kitchen, but the reason I haven't done them yet is for two reasons, one I am still hopeful that my brother will do them and second I really hate washing up liquid. Its one of those unexplained things I just hate the smell of it and the smell gets onto my hands making me feel anxious. I can't stand strong scented things on my hands and to make matters worse my hands are covered in scars at the moment and I don't really want to put them into hot water or into rubber gloves as I don't have enough dressings to get through the weekend if I do that. But if the dishes haven't been done by tomorrow afternoon then I guess that I will just have to do them.
It's just another one of my little quirks I guess, I do have this big thing about my hands smelling strongly of things, actually I have this thing about really strong smells anyway, it seems that since I took up smoking rather than being less sensitive to smell I have become even more! But then again I am a bit strange like that, as smoking tends to make me feel hungry rather than inhibiting the hunger.
I've been feeling OK today but I think that's mainly because I haven't given myself the chance to just stop and think I have kept myself busy and that seems to help although I do know that come 4am if I'm still awake then all the thoughts will come and annoy me and keep me up but that's about normal for me. Oh well if I post again at four then it's obvious that's happened but I guess that I just have to wait and see.

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