Wednesday 22 August 2007


So now I suppose I have to put in my targets and the timescale for them. Well here are the ones that I can think of at the moment.
1) Start going out again, which involves walking a certain distance every day and increasing it each week. so for the next week, I will attempt to walk at least to the end of my drive ( Which is quite a distance)
2) Sort out my sleeping habits, as staying up until 6AM everyday and sleeping until 1 or 2PM really isnt doing me any good. So to do this I will stop going onto my computer after 1AM and will try to get up by 12PM for the next week and slowly make my get up time earlier each week, so that in a matter of weeks I will be getting up at 10AM
3) Contact the private counsellor about either phone or email sessions so that I can start to get to the bottom of the depression and deal with the emotional baggage that I seem to be carrying around. This may also help me to find new ways to deal with emotions and stress instead of resorting to self-harm.
4) Begin to work my way through the book "Mind Over Mood" by Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky, which should help me to change my thought patterns about events and so contribute to my overcoming of all my problems.
5) This is the big one, start going out in the car again, starting with just sitting in it and then being driven quater of a mile to the main road and back again and gradually increasing the distance until I feel comfortable travelling the 12 mile round trip to my nearest town.
6) When used to being out in the car begin getting out of the car again. To begin with just do so in my local village or somewhere else I feel comfortable before working my way up to being able to get out of the car in the town.
7) Try and get used to being around people again, which is dependent on me completing targets 5 and 6.
8) Try to update this regularly so that I can see how far I have gone and see when I achieve each target.
I think that is enough targets for the moment as anything else is totally dependant on me being able to complete these ones.
The timescale for this has to be a year which gives me time for any possible set-backs or unforseen circumatances, and I know that this seems a long time, but there is a huge amount of work here for me to do and some very difficult things to face and overcome.

1 comment:

john said...

these sound like good goals. Take each day at a time and dont let any setbacks get to you, we all have them.