Thursday 23 August 2007

Another Day

So I ended up rambling a lot last night in the post and I suppose I just wanted to get some things off my chest but all it seemed to do was to lead to yet another sleepless night but that seems to be normal for me at the moment.
As for today, well I managed to go out for a walk twice today! So I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself especially since I was feeling pretty rotten before I went for the second walk and yet rather than not doing it I did and OK so I still feel rotten now but at least I did something positive, but in regards to everything else well I've just left them to one side for the moment and I am concentrating on the walking aspect so I can build up both muscles and confidence in being out and about.
Tomorrow is another day and as long as the sun is still shining then maybe I will carry on feeling not too bad about things and actually manage to do things, I don't know what but maybe I will walk a little bit further or something like that.


john said...

Well done! I haven't managed twice in one day yet.

Fizzgig said...

Thanks, but I do have it really easy as the chances of me actually seeing any living thing except for cows is pretty slim!