Wednesday 16 January 2008

Clothes Clearance

So I managed to clear out my wardrobe and now I have a bin-bag full of clothes to go to Oxfam, but I also have a mountain of washing to do! So I think something strange has been happening in my wardrobe, I think the clothes are breeding as that is the only logical explanation, or maybe the fact that I kept buying clothes without throwing any out, but I prefer my original idea!
What is also frightening is the fact that I found clothes I didn't know existed, I couldn't remember ever wearing them, never mind actually buying them, so hopefully I now have a collection of clothes that fit me and possibly I will start spending more time dressed than in pyjamas!

The walk that was scheduled to take place on Thursday may now happen tomorrow, depending on how I feel, simply because it looks like it's going to rain on Thursday and I really want to go out in my new hat and I don't know if it is waterproof or not. Although it doesn't contain the label 'not to be worn in rain' on the inside which is a bonus so it might be OK but I don't want to chance it. Anyway, I will probably let you know either Wednesday or Thursday as to whether or not I have achieved my walk and earned my new stripy jumpers.

Update: I couldn't be bothered to start another post, but right now I am feeling so disappointed in myself. I self-harmed and I have been so good recently, I have been able to overcome the feelings and get on without injuring myself. But tonight I slipped, and it was over the most insignificant, pointless thing. And I don't know why it affected me so much but this little thing was enough to cause me anguish, and I suppose in some ways it was also just a way to make myself realise that it did happen, rather than it just being a dream. And I suppose that is what I use self-harm for, it is my way of reminding myself that I am part of this world and that this whole existence isn't a dream. Sorry for the slightly more depressing end post but I just wanted to get it out.

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