Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year

Well another year over and in some ways I am glad to see the back of it. It has been a long time since I have had a year that was so stressful, and I don't think that I have ever struggled so much to some to terms with coursework and life in general.
But on a positive note I have started 2008 on a positive note, I went for a walk today, and for me that really is an achievement as it has been a couple of months since I last went any further than the front door. All the good ideas that I stated when I started this blog seem to have gone out of the window, although in 2007 I did manage to get my sleep pattern back into something resembling normality, although this is starting to slide again so I have to keep an eye on it, and I did try to contact the private counsellor but she no longer seems to do phone consultations and I never really checked back on the information since my one failed attempt. And I have kinda posted in here regularly although not that often recently, but that's mainly because I haven't been feeling well and most of the posts would have been about how sucky I felt my life was.
So I think that now may be a good time to write out some of the things I would like to achieve in 2008 just as an exercise in curiosity as much as anything, because I won't hold them as concrete things and instead I will just try and see what I can make of the year to come.

Right then;
1) Go out of the house at least three times a week, even if it's only for a walk round the house.
2) Try to get back into going out in the car
3) Sort out my eating habits, and try new foods so that my diet improves
4) Try and see if I can find a counsellor who is willing to work with me and help me out
5) Try and interact with people, even if it's just in forums
6) Continue with my OU studies and try not to get too stressed out with the coursework
7) Admit to myself all my problems and face up to them and how I can overcome them
8) Just try and regain a life that is slightly more normal and healthy than it is at the moment.

Well let's see how many of them I will be able to complete and who knows as the year progresses maybe I will add more.
Anyway, I hope everyone out there had a good Christmas and I hope that their new year will be a successful and profitable one.

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