Friday 18 January 2008


So after yesterdays depressing post I thought that I would try and be more upbeat today, and I can say that I not only went for a walk but I also cleaned my room. But apart from that nothing much has changed I still feel anxious but I don't know what about and I don't know how to fix anything.
Oh and I don't really know if it is a good or a bad thing but I no longer feel like self-harm. I just can't see the point of it as I don't think it would actually help to relieve any of these feelings that are bothering me at the moment. And yet I still want to just in case this time I do begin to feel better.
You know what, I may stop posting for a few days simply because I need some quiet time away from my computer and because there isn't much point in posting when every post is going to end up being the same.

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