Thursday 10 January 2008

The Little Things

It has never failed to amaze me how the little things in life are the ones that can lift me out of the doldrums and really cheer me up. Take today, I woke up in a grumpy mood and really wasn't good company and then I got a package in the post. It contained the socks that I had ordered (as a treat) and that cheered me a little but what really got me was the fact that within this three pack there was a pair of stripy socks, which isn't that amazing on its own but the fact that they were also covered in spots was. To me this was something really cheering and of course I put them straight on, just so I can make myself smile if nothing else.
It never fails to amaze me how its sometimes the smallest things that will change the way I feel.

On a slightly different train of thought, I found the most amazing website which most folk may have already heard of its called PostSecret. And people send this guy their secrets and he will place them onto his website, along with that there are three books of which I have two and they are the most moving books that I have read in a long time, they really make you think and at times they are just saying what you want to say but can't. I don't think that I have explained this very well, but take a look at the website as that explains it even better than I can. ( Just click on the word postsecret and it should take you there)

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