Tuesday 15 January 2008


So in my moments of paranoia I think there is a little conspiracy out there. A while ago I randomly decided to create a profile on a networking site, and to begin with there was only the basic friend who everyone gets, before I decided to add someone else, who amazingly enough accepted my add! But anyway, after a few weeks I decided that I wanted to cancel my account, but the confirmation email never appeared and the next day I found that five or six people wanted to be my friend, now that's a little strange, in that as soon as I want to leave more people who want to be my friends appear. And this keeps happening, every time I try to cancel the account, I never get a confirmation email and more people want to be my friend, and because I am slightly bored and curious as to how many people will keep requesting to be my friend I just add them. I think that the site must put up a notice somewhere that I want to leave and therefore people decide to try and add me. And the weirdest thing is that I never contact these people, but I suppose it's just that as soon as you add one someone else sees and thinks that they might as well try. And most of the friend requests do come from bands, most of which are really decent.
Serves me right for doing something so out of character, and I don't have the confidence to actually message these people, in fact it took me about three attempts to actually request one person to be my friend, so I guess they probably see me as a little bit weird, especially as I ended up asking them to be my friend and then cancelling it, probably after they had received the email. I really do have some problems, when even Internet people scare the living daylights out of me! But at least none of these people know who I am, as I'm just registered as Fizzgig, so the only item of truth on the site is my star sign and location, both of which are vague.
Although I do have to admit to feeling more and more paranoid as the night goes on, mainly because people just keep requesting to be my friend, I really want to run away and hide and I certainly don't understand why I keep accepting these requests. I think I have finally lost the plot. And to make matters worse, for some reason I feel like I have offended people and I don't know what I have done. Anyone willing to help me sort this nonsense out!?!

On a completely different note my stripyness of jumpers and tops arrived today, all I have to do now is actually start going out, so I can show them off! But I think that will be the last ones I buy for a while, simply because otherwise I will have an excess of tops and I have enough clothes as it is, admittedly about half of them no longer fit me, I really should clear my wardrobe out soon and actually see what can be kept and what needs getting rid of. Although if I go by the rule of it goes if I haven't worn it in five years then quite a sizable amount of clothes will go, and I will be left with very little!

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