Saturday 12 January 2008

Some bleakness and some positiveness

I don't know what to do. A very bleak statement but a correct one, since yesterday I have filled eleven sides of A4 paper with some truths about the situation I'm in, most of which I have already written here but there were some things that I had never really considered before and to be honest they scared me. Not because they were horrible but because I had never realised that was how I felt about things. And in one way they clarified how I feel but at the same time they seemed to have muddied the water a little bit more. Oh well normal service has resumed then!

Trying to be a little bit more positive, I have set myself a challenge for this coming week, on Thursday (17Th) I have resolved to go for a walk. And the only reason I did so was because for Christmas the house got a calender that's a family planner, so every month has a column for each family member and mine seemed empty and everyone else had at least one thing on it, so I thought that I will add something to my column and the only thing I could think about was going for a walk. So fingers crossed I will actually go and as an added incentive ( and one that I couldn't really afford) I bought myself a stripy cardigan, it's not black and white but I thought that blue and white was close enough to do me, but in justification it was in the sale and as there was a sale I will soon be the proud owner of yet another black and white jumper! It's getting kinda worrying, but for some reason that combination of colours always cheers me up. So I'm now thinking that if I don't manage to go for a walk, even if it is just round the house, then I will have to give up both the cardigan and jumper until I manage to go, even if it takes a month.

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