Monday 17 December 2007

Not guilty anymore

I just realised that I never mentioned the fact that I did pass my course and I got better than 40% so I am pretty pleased about it, although when I found out I did feel kinda numb and empty but I suppose that was to do with the fact that the course was so stressful to me and the fact that all I wanted was a pass and as long as I got that I didn't really care.

And there was no need for me to feel so guilty on Saturday as in the end I got up and decorated the Christmas tree, so I at least did something rather than just sit about in my bed feeling guilty about the whole thing.

But apart from that and putting some decorations up yesterday, I have just been sitting around reading, as alongside the five books for my birthday I also got a further three for passing my course and I still haven't finished them all yet which for me is quite an achievement! Although I do think that the literature courses have finally messed my brain up as when I was reading Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar I kept thinking that it would be really interesting to do a study into how mental illness is portrayed within books either that or do a comparison between it and Janice Galloway's The Trick is to Keep Breathing. So it seems that even though I am not doing a course at the moment my brain is still thinking in the manner of literature courses.

Oh well it's nearly Christmas just over a week to go and I even managed to resist the temptation to look inside a present, which for me is nothing short of amazing!

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