Tuesday 11 December 2007


Why am I so unhappy? I have an OK life, my parents love me and take care of me and aren't too annoyed by the fact that I don't get out. I live in a nice house and that's it, I just can't think of anymore positive things about my life. I know that I should be positive as that just might make me feel slightly better and yet I just can't quite look on the bright side of life. And just to add to the general feeling of unhappiness the results for my course come out towards the end of the week and I am dreading what mark I will get. Although as long as it is 40% then I will be fine as that at least means that I will pass the course and OK it means that the overall pass is low but why should that matter?
I think my main problem at the moment is that I just feel so alone. There is no-one that I feel able to sound off to about my problems and that saddens me. In my darkest moments I really believe that I will never have close friends, I think that I will have acquaintances but I really doubt that I will ever find someone who I can truly confide in, but then again I don't think that I have had anyone like that in my life. I was always trying to share my problems but all that ended up happening was they started on their problems and I comforted them and was left no better off than I was to begin with.
Oh, I'm going to stop whinging now because to be honest I don't have any reason to, there are others in this world who are going through tougher times than me and they don't complain so why should I?

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