Wednesday 5 December 2007


Why must I be so feeble? And why can't I just live in the real world? I seem to spend so much of my time just daydreaming and I seem unable to fully connect with reality. I do know the difference between the two but it's just that in the dream world I can totally forget about all my troubles and be anyone want to be rather than this pathetic individual.
I seem to have cut myself off from the world even more now than ever, and that feels quite scary. I don't go out anywhere, I talk to no-one apart from my family and it has been about a month or more since I last saw anyone apart from the family and that really is quite a frightening thought.
I can quite safely say that I never thought my life would turn out like this. I was never that comfortable in social situations but I'd handle them and deal with it but now even the thought of phoning the Doctors is frightening to me. It would be nice if wishes came true but there are no magic wands or genie lamps and the only way I can change things is if I get up off my backside and do something, but then the little voice says "What's the point?" and all my good intentions go out the window and I am left stuck, trapped within four walls and unable to find the exit. I'm just stumbling about in the dark trying to find the light-switch, as most people in this world are. I doubt that anyone could honestly say that they thought their life would be as it is, which is some consolation.
I suppose the one thing I really want for Christmas this year is for me to get over all my anxieties and begin to live my life again, and I hope that in some ways this does become true for me.

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