Saturday 1 September 2007


So I wasn't going to post anything else tonight but after reading through various notebooks and journals I decided that I wanted to post something that I wrote about seven or eight years ago but is still relevant today and is something that I should remember.

Will you remember to relax and keep breathing as it will help you to cope with the stresses and strains of daily life. No matter what you think things are not that bad and could definitely be worse than they are at the moment.
Remember that whatever life throws at you, you can cope with it and bounce back with more knowledge and confidence than you had before it began.
Life is a set of trials testing your power to cope with things that may go wrong and if you are strong enough everything will turn out fine in the end.

Actually there were quite a few things that made me step back and think, this was another:
I think that you do some of your best and worst thinking late at night when everyone else is asleep in their beds. You seem to gain some clarity to your thoughts but you also lose the protection that you have during the day. I’ll try and explain, in the day time you censor your thoughts and don’t allow certain ones to be concentrated on, but at night you lose that ability and the thoughts that you censor during the day come back and you concentrate only on them.
Without the acknowledgement of these thoughts you live in a fake world. And although it hurts you have to know that these thoughts exist because they are a part of you and who you are.

And it is still correct even now.
The final thing that appealed to me was the fact that when I was 13/14 I started to write a play. Now that in itself is quite a weird thing to do but what really amazed me was the fact that I included detailed stage directions. So the characters were leaving stage left with sad looks in their eyes and things like that. The only reason I can think of as to why I even attempted was that it coincided with me reading Shakespeare. But it just made me laugh as at the moment I am really struggling to write stories and yet when I was young I attempted to write a play, and OK I didn't get very far with it, not even a scene, but I still tried.

I think I must have been quite a random teenager!

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