Sunday 2 September 2007

You Learn Something Everyday

And I have learnt that for some unknown reason I no longer want to sleep during the night. So i sleep through the day, I think I have reset my body clock to another continent and fixing it is a real hassle as it really involves staying awake through the whole day and then going to sleep at a more normal time. the only problem with this is that when I have been awake for about 24 hours I tend to fall asleep mainly due to the fact that I lie down for a while and before you know it I'm asleep for the next four or five hours, and nothing can wake me up.
But in some respects I may be lucky today, as my ear is full of wax and gets really uncomfortable when I lie down, and as it's a Sunday I can't really do anything about it except resort to the old fashioned method of putting warm olive oil in my ear. Which has to be the weirdest thing ever mainly because you have to heat it in a spoon and it just looks weird. And I know that there are chemical solutions to it, but to be honest they really freak me out and sometimes the old ways are the best. But I will have to wait and see about that. But if my ear is still like this come Monday I will have to get them syringed which is the weirdest thing ever, it just feels so strange and your eyes really hurt when it's being done.
But I think that's enough waffling for today, I really doubt that I will be going for a walk today but who knows maybe I will.

PS. sorry if this doesn't make any sense or if there's a load of spelling mistakes but I have been awake for nearly ten hours straight and I only had three hours sleep yesterday, and at least I'm not spouting the usual nonsense that I tend to say when I'm sleep deprived. Sorry waffling again!

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