Thursday 11 October 2007

Drivel spouted when watching TV.

I watched a programme tonight about all the chemicals that are absorbed into our bodies from make-up and cleaning products etc. And I have to admit being a bit bewildered by the fact that between two women they used something like 70 beauty products a day, and spent £1000 a month on them (to be fair I could have picked this up wrong). Now I have to admit that I just don't understand how anyone can spend that amount on beauty products. I think that I am missing a certain gene as I just don't see the point in spending hours putting make-up on, never mind getting dolled up for a night out. When I was getting out and about the only times I ever got really dressed up was for formal dances, and even then I wore very little make-up and after about twenty minutes the high heels were abandoned in a corner somewhere and I would be wandering around in my bare feet. And when we were going to a night club, a lot of the females I knew spent a good hour getting ready, and I tended to take about ten minutes. More often than not I just went out in whatever I was wearing at the time, and I had as much fun as anyone else, in fact the one time I did go to a club all dressed up I ended up leaving early as I felt so uncomfortable in what I was wearing. But I have always been lucky as I don't really have any worries about what I look like and I never have. It's my personality that I have hang-ups about rather than my body image.
I have always believed that how I look isn't really important, and I would much rather someone liked me for who I was rather than what I was wearing, but then again I have never been in a relationship and so obviously there is something lacking about me, whether it is looks wise or personality. And sometimes that doesn't bother me but the rest of the time I wonder why, whenever I met a guy that I liked who seemed to like me they never wanted anything more than a one night stand kinda thing. And even then they would only approach me when they were so drunk they could hardly string a sentence together. Obviously I spend my entire time giving off go away vibes and that is what everyone does.
Part of me doesn't mind being alone and yet another part does, I crave company and yet I am too frightened to do anything about it, most days when I actually end up thinking about it I get the feeling that I will end up as a little old lady living on my own with nothing but cats for company. And that really saddens me, the fact that I believe there is no-one out there, apart from my family, who will ever care for or love me and I wish I didn't believe it but I do, maybe I am one of these people who are destined to be alone, and to be honest unless I get out and about and start sorting my life out that is whats going to happen. I can't really expect the right person for me to turn up on my doorstep can I?

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