Wednesday 17 October 2007

What do you do with 50 small satin roses?

I'm slightly confused now, I have 50 satin roses and I have no idea what I'm going to do with them! I really don't know what possessed me to buy them apart from the fact that they looked pretty. I think there should be some sort of warning that appears on screen when you're about to buy something you don't actually need, it would save me money and stop my room being cluttered with things I don't really need. For example last month I decided in my wisdom to buy a Rubik's cube, now in theory there is nothing wrong with that except for the fact that I used to have one which got thrown out because I got so infuriated with it, and I'm still getting annoyed now, in fact I can't solve it at all even though a solution came with it!
I think that I will be sewing small roses onto all my clothes just so that I can justify buying them, either that or I'm going to sneak about the house in the middle of the night and sew them onto whatever clothes are lying around. But that may be a little bit naughty, but it would amuse me although everyone would know that I did it. Hmm maybe not such a good idea, but at some point I really do have to find a use for them otherwise they will just sit in a bag and clutter up my sewing box.

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