Friday 12 October 2007

Spider Update

After the successful meeting held earlier the spiders wish to update some of the information that is available. Certain rooms have now achieved their capacity and no new spiders are being allowed in, but in contrast to that Fizzgigs room is now open to new applicants for housing since the food supply is so plentiful at the moment. Due to this more families with children are now moving in, but a warning has to be given to the parents as the children seem to have a tendency to crawl over Fizzgigs bed at odd hours of the day, and although this may not seem too bad many of these children are being killed and many parents are struggling with the loss of numerous children. So a campaign has been set up to raise awareness of this problem and all parents and potential parents are advised to attend the meetings that are being held over the next few weeks about this problem and a focus group is also being set up to find a solution to the problem. (If any spider is interested in joining the focus group or receiving more information about it then they should write to Aloysius Spider, 3 Rooftop Way, Fizzgigs Room).
Unfortunately due to the demise of Euphemia the spider-catcher forum has been temporarily suspended until a new chairspider can be found. The advice to all spiders who find themselves captured is to wait outside the window and one of the rescue spiders will be there within the hour to escorting them home. Alongside this the new "sitting room bridge" is nearing completion and it is hoped that a member of the royal family will be present at the opening at the beginning of November, although at the moment it has not been confirmed which member Ms Georgette Spider, organiser of the opening, is sure that the royal family will not let her down by sending one of the younger members of the family. So please do not be worried about a reprisal by Prince Cecilio's whose behaviour at the grand opening of the new pathway between the garage and the bedrooms, some older members of society still feel unable to talk about. (But on a positive note Bertina has now been released from hospital, although she is still unable to mutter anything more than "frinky, franky". But as the doctors can find no reason for this, and are unable to treat her any further home rest is thought to be the best option)
As a final note the board wishes to intimate that the nominations for Mayor have closed and the three nominees, Mr Phelan, Ms Floriana and Mrs Maira, will be campaigning for the next three weeks. And the first debate will take place at 7pm on Friday the 19th in the dining room, if you are going to attend please make sure you arrive in plenty of time, as latecomers will not be admitted. If you have not already registered to vote then please make sure that you contact Mr Irvin before the end of this week, as if it is left any later than that it cannot be guaranteed that your voting card will arrive in time.
If there are anymore concerns which have not been raised, and you feel should be then could you please contact Mr Berke, 17 Hippo Road, Airing Cupboard, and he will make sure that they are included within the next update.

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