Tuesday 30 October 2007

A little update

So the other night, after a really demoralizing day I finally decided to email a counsellor about possibly getting some sessions, only to find that the email was returned to me as being unable to be delivered. So now I either have to get my act together and phone or just give up on the idea for a while.
It's just so frustrating, I actually got the courage up to ask for help and it gets me nowhere, but then again that's typical for me, nothing is ever easy when I'm involved!
Apart from that I managed to get out the house today, and then spent the rest of the day feeling slightly stressed which apparently is my default mood at the moment. And it isn't helped by the fact that my leg has decided to hurt for no apparent reason.
Anyway I just hope that tomorrow will be a better day, but considering the fact that we have a plasterer coming in at some point I doubt that it will.

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