Thursday 20 September 2007

I'm Back!

Obviously I just can't keep away!
Been doing really good, mainly because I just got the best mark ever for a TMA and I'm really excited about it. And I finally got a proper night's sleep rather than sleeping through the day I actually managed to sleep through the night.
By the way at the bottom of the page I have a daemon, it doesn't seem to have a picture but I am apparently a cat, which is cool, as it does reflect who I am.

So I removed the thing from the bottom of the page as it wasn't working right, typical!
You can find out what your daemon is at the Golden Compass Movie site. And thank you to whoever it was on the A215 survivors conference who posted this.


Anonymous said...

Well done on the TMA! And btw, my daemon was a cat too :)

Fizzgig said...

Thank you, I was really chuffed at the score, and I'm glad there are other cats out there :)

Anonymous said...

Me too about the cats, I lurked through all the messages to see if anyone else got one :)